I bought one of these cheap 'wireless drives' from Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/I-ONIK-70752-i-onik-WIFI-Cloud/dp/B00I16C1K2/ Currently (early 2017) selling for 15E, I think I paid 12E including shipping. This post will focus on basic features and some early data. Later posts will go into some reverse-engineering, featuring a great YouTuber, LiveOverFlow . If you like reverse-engineering you will surely enjoy his tutorials. By the time you read this he will have probably published his first video showing you how to get into the device. He also discovered that a very similar device is being sold under the Strontium Mobile Wifi Cloud (Sri-CUBa-3KW) moniker in US and India. However that one is advertised as having a 3000mAh battery while this one only has a 1900mAh one. Edit The excelent video from LiveOverFlow is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxE2ITDWsNE
Electronics and programming interspersed at various levels of difficulty.