Being on the hunt for the cheapest wireless temperature and humidity sensors led me to FreeTec NC-7345-675 - sold by at the fair price of 10E, though I might have paid even less for them. The requirements were: multi-channel, have at least 0.5C accuracy and provide humidity readout. Rolling your own can easily cost more than that. The sensors pair with this weather station . The goal is to store all the data on an SBC and provide a nice HTML frontend with long-term statistics and heating automation. EDIT: blogger removed without warning all the newlines from my code, I had to redo some of those Hardware The first step is to open up the sensors and see what we are dealing with. With the main board detached from the zebra display connector, we can see the coil antenna at the top and the wires for the humidity sensor running at the bottom right. Judging by the traces going from the SW-CH part directly into the chip it seems there is no way to force addition...
Electronics and programming interspersed at various levels of difficulty.