If you are following the project you might've seen that the new source code for the firmware and (Android) client application are up: Arduino firmware: https://github.com/ligius-/DieselTuningBox Mobile UI: https://github.com/ligius-/DieselBoosterClient With that out of the way, I've had about a month of testing with the new prototype and several months already with the old one. The definitive result is that there are significant fuel savings. Outside city limits I now get better than 6L/100km, at highway speeds (130 km/h) better than 6.5/%. I believe the highway consumption can be further improved but I haven't used the car so much lately to be able to fine-tune the settings. Previously I would get 7.6L/100km at best on country/county roads and 7.4/% on highways. So that would be a 12% mileage increase on highways and 21% on slower roads. Inside the city is where the story changes since that's where I did most of my driving and had time to tune the pa...
Electronics and programming interspersed at various levels of difficulty.