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Showing posts from July, 2016

HackerX Frankfurt experience

This a departure from my normal subjects, but I don't have a blog dedicated to my software work. I have recently attended the first HackerX instance in Frankfurt. For those who don't know, it's like a speed-dating event where potential employees and potential employers are face-to-face for 5 minutes, then the candidates (employees) rotate over to the next company. Right off the bat I should mention that I did not receive my own invitation but I used one from a colleague. However the only difference is a missing email.

Blog updates July 2016

I was assuming that having some time off would allow me to update this blog more frequently but there is always something shinier. Diesel Tuning Box (for lack of a better name) I've tested extensively the latest iteration that does semi-automatic calibration and found no issues with the circuit itself. However there were many issues with the ghetto-style DB15 connector made using hot glue. Once I got the proper connector in it will stay in the car at all times. The issue was caused by raised temperatures under the hood deforming the hot glue and leaving just a tiny contact patch that allowed very little current to flow in. Anything over 20mA would break the contact yielding 'check engine' errors. If you are fast, the errors go away when restarting the engine. If you are slow (>2 minutes) you need to reset the error using an OBD2 diagnosis kit. I used a bluetooth OBD2 connector (~12$) with the Android app Torque, while driving . I'm testing these limits so you d...