This is just a reiteration of my post on . Since then some people have picked up the challenged and designed new firmware for the microcontroller. Let me explain. The module is a cheap (2-3$) 0-30V voltmeter. It has a 3-digit output, is pretty accurate and begs curiosity with it's TXD/RXD soldermask labels. The inside sports an STM800S3F3 chip with nice features: 2.95-5.5V supply voltage 16 Mhz internal oscillator 3 timers 4 CCP/PWM modules 5-channel 10-bit ADC UART, SPI, I2C 8k Flash, 1k RAM Thoughtfully, the programming/debug port is also broken out, just not labeled. The pinout would then be: SWIM / PD1 (HS) TX / AIN5(HS) / PD5 RX / AIN6 (HS) / PD6 NRST VDD VSS The board also includes a 3V/30mA linear regulator that can take up to 30V. All-in-all a very cheap development board that can be used for a lot of stuff Here's a close-up picture of the board under strong light ...
Electronics and programming interspersed at various levels of difficulty.